Save Otisco Lake
The weed problem has two contributing components.
What goes into the lake; and what is within the lake.
SOL is focused on what is within the lake (existing in lake weed management).
Specific strategies are needed to address both the external conditions which can contribute to the introduction of invasive species, and to control, manage the invasive species currently thriving within the lake. OLPA is working to address both components of this problem.
The purpose of SOL is to address the existing proliferation and spreading of identified invasive weed species WITHIN Otisco Lake by:
Engaging stakeholders through outreach, information sharing, education annd ongoing communication to better understand the problem and how to work together to improve lake conditions.
Researching, identifying, and selecting, safe and effective weed management strategies for use within Otisco Lake.
Developing with the assistance of recognized expert consultants an Invasive Weed Management Plan for Otisco Lake
Engaging partners and securing resources to support a sustainable implementation of the Weed Management Plan
Continuing the monitoring and measurement of Otisco In Lake invasive weed prevalence and density to measure progress and guide ongoing intervention efforts
SOL is a Committee of the OLPA charged with responsibility for lake weed management. This problem solving group is working specifically on in lake weed management.
Together with the support of the community and strategic partnerships, this group is determined to fulfill their responsibility, standing as guardians of Otisco Lake, and ensuring that its natural beauty endures for years to come.
Task Force Committee
Jon Bristol
Bruce Boyea
Mary Brown
Bob Ciota
Jen Griffin
Rachel Lewis
Mike Nerone
Linda Kelly
Mary Desantis
Anita Williams