Eurasian Milfoil (invasive) is very abundant in early season

Eurasian Milfoil continues to be very abundant in the late season

Curley leaf pondweed (invasive is abundant in some areas in early season

Curley leaf pondweed diminishes in late season

Plant biomass in early season

Plant biomass increases as the season progresses
Coontail (native) reaches high abundance by late season
2018 SUNY ESF Findings
Primary Otisco Lake invasive species are Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Pond Weed
Milfoil has increased its spread and density throughout the lake since 2005
Milfoil likely out competing other native species
Curly Pond Weed abundant early but dimishes late season
Coontail (native reaches high abundance by late season
Plant biomass increases as the season progresses
Mapping Source: “Invasive Species Rapid Response and Control (NYS DEC) Grant Report”, SUNY College of Environmental Science, Kimberly L. Schulz, Project Director, 2018.